
Prices are in Canadian Dollars: $100 CAD is approximately $70 USD

French Horn

What Our Customers Say
"I realized just how hard I was working with my old mouthpiece. The Horn 725D wedge mouthpiece allows for more accuracy with my range above a High A, as well as improved accuracy with all ranges. The slightly shallower cup responds very quickly, and I can play with more ease and confidence. I can now practice / perform with less effort and way more confidence. Feels good knowing that I can play for 3 hours again." -Bo W
"I bought the Wedge mouthpiece purely as an experiment. The mouthpiece I have been using is very successful with no reason to change. However, I love the Wedge mouthpiece, I find the legato playing and smoothness across the full range much easier. I adjusted very quickly and was waiting for the honeymoon period to end but it hasn't. I have no idea why or how it works, but I am totally satisfied. I have no hesitation in recommending you try it. Feels great and seems to cushion the lips beautifully." -Chris H

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