
To our Canadian customers - The best way to order is by phone at 1 877 679-3343

French Horn Comparison Table

French Horn Cups Compared


Links on this page are for one piece hybrid models, which are quickly becoming our top selling model.

Cup Depths 17 mm (.669 inches) 17.25 mm (.679 inches) 17.5 mm (.689 inches) 17.75 mm (.699 inches) 18 mm (.709 inches) 18.25 mm (.719 inche


Laskey 70J
Stork CS
Laskey 725J
Schilke 29
Stork CAS
Laskey 75J
Laskey 775J
Laskey 80J
Laskey 825J


Laskey 70G
Moosewood B
Farkas MC
Laskey 725G
Laskey 75G
Yamaha 32C4
Laskey 775G
Laskey 80M
Laskey 825M


Conn 7BW
Laskey 70F
Moosewood A
Stork CM
Stork O 4 1/2
Laskey 725F
Schilke 30
Stork CAM
Stork O 4 3/4, 5
Laskey 75F
Stork O 5 1/4
Laskey 775F
Stork CBM
Stork O 5 1/2
Laskey 80F
Stork O 6
Laskey 825F


Farkas MDC
Laskey 70E
Paxman 7
GC8, 10, 12
Laskey 725E
Paxman 6
Laskey 7E
Paxman 5
Laskey 775E
Laskey 70E
Laskey 825E
Paxman 4