
Prices are in Canadian Dollars: $100 CAD is approximately $70 USD

British Cornet Comparison Table

This page compares Wedge to Denis Wick British cornet mouthpieces.
To see a wider selecvion of mouthpiece profile comparisons from different manufacturers, including the full line of Wedge trumpet, cornet, and flugel mouthpieces, visit the new Trumpet.icloud website.

Cup Depth / Rim Diameter
.68 in
(17.3 mm)
.67 in
(17.0 mm)
.665 in
(16.9 mm)
.66 in
(16.8 mm)
.65 in
(16.5 mm)
.64 in
(16.3 mm)
Shallow Cup Depth
(Similar to Wick S Cup for Soprano Cornet)
Wick S
Medium Cup Depth
(Similar to Wick B Cup)
Wick 2B
Wick 3B
Wick 4B
Wick 5B
Deep Cup Depth
(Similar to Wick Cup)
Wick 2
Wick 3
Wick 4
Wick 5B

Links in the table are to hybrid one piece British Cornet mouthpieces.