Prices are in Canadian Dollars: $100 CAD is approximately $70 USD

Put an End to Your Playing Frustrations by Using a Wedge Mouthpiece - Available  for All Brass Instruments

Get Better Sound, Range, Endurance, Response, Flexibility, and Comfort

Proud Manufacturer of Roger Ingram, Marco Pierobon, and Chuck Findley Signature Mouthpieces

Why I Invented a Brass Mouthpiece That is Not Round or Flat

A Message from Dr Dave, Inventor of the Wedge Mouthpiece


Are you a brass player who is searching for a way to improve your performance? Do you feel like you have hit a wall in your development despite major investments in practice time, lessons, and the best equipment you can afford? 


Have you been on a mouthpiece safari that only led to disappointment and frustration?

I understand. As a trumpet player for over 50 years, I've been there...and that is exactly why I came up with the Wedge mouthpiece, based on how your embouchure actually works.

The Wedge mouthpiece is NOT a substitute for practice. It is not a "gimmick". Nor is it "just another mouthpiece".  The Wedge is a completely different approach to brass mouthpiece design that can truly transform YOUR playing, as it already has for thousands of others since 2007, if you just give it a chance. 


Whether you are a beginner, an advanced amateur, a comeback player, or an established pro playing any brass instrument, your mouthpiece safari and your frustration can end here.


Dr Dave Harrison, MD. 

What Makes the Wedge Unique?

The Wedge Rocks!



Click on the video

Why Does it Rock?

Top 10 Reasons Why the Wedge Rocks

Reason #1

The patented Wedge mouthpiece rim is not round or flat, but oval up and down and curved unlike any mouthpiece you have ever seen before. 

Reason #2

The unique shape of the Wedge gives 90% of players better range, endurance, comfort, flexibility, slotting, response and sound in all registers. 


Reason #3

The Wedge design means you won’t have to worry about your chops dying during demanding performances.


Reason #4

You'll be able to play and practice MORE with a Wedge mouthpiece, so you'll improve more quickly.


Reason #5

You'll have less swelling, less stiffness, and a faster recovery time. 


Reason #6

You'll play with less mouthpiece pressure and embouchure strain, making you less at risk of injury.


Reason #7

If you already have an embouchure injury the Wedge rim will decrease pressure at key points, decreasing pain and further trauma, and accelerating your return to playing. 


Reason #8

With the Wedge you can choose silver plated brass or the unique Hybrid mouthpiece, made with a 3D printed medical grade ceramic polymer rim and cup bonded to a brass base.


Reason #9

With the Hybrid you can avoid problems with metal allergies, have greater comfort, a rim that always feels warm, and a darker, richer sound compared to a brass mouthpiece, without sounding like you're playing on "plastic".


Reason #10

You won't have to worry about getting stuck with a mouthpiece you don't like, because the Wedge comes with a 90-day full money back guarantee and a lifetime trade in program giving you an 80% credit towards a new mouthpiece of a different material or size.


About now you're probably thinking...


"Those are some pretty outrageous claims. How could a mouthpiece make such a big difference in my playing? How can they possibly back up what they say with a 90 day money back guarantee and a lifetime trade in program?"  


We understand your skepticism, AND we cannot overemphasize that NO mouthpiece is a substitute for good instruction and dedicated practice.


However, equipment does matter. Consider this...


Do you think an Olympic skier who trains regularly would perform better using wooden skis and leather boots designed decades ago, or using the best, most advanced and sophisticated equipment available?


The answer is obvious. So why would using a superior mouthpiece design not provide similar improvements?  


Maybe you think a mouthpiece can't make a difference because you have tried lots that claimed to be different and better, and were not. 


Well, that's what sets the the Wedge mouthpiece apart.  It IS different, and that's why it actually works better for most players.


So we invite you imagine the possibilities while you watch the video linked below, where Dr Dave briefly demos the Wedge in the intro and explains the basis and potential of the mouthpiece design.

What Are Our Prices?


Prices depend on the type of instrument and options selected. Our top selling models range from $240 USD for trumpet, cornet, flugel and horn to $275 for tuba.


Want some help choosing the best size? Book a free no pressure consultation with Dr. Dave by phone or zoom chat. 


Featured  Reviews

"I was the principal trumpet player for a British military band for 22 years. I survived that 22 years due to my sound, style and technique but always suffered with very poor stamina and my range suffered due to my poor endurance. I’ve spent painstaking years trying to resolve my embouchure issues, which I’m confident is due to the curvature of my teeth and my underbite, as a result when using a regular mouthpiece the rim cuts into my lip at 2 o’clock and 10 o’clock, cutting off the blood supply causing my issues. This mouthpiece as resolved all my issues, I never tire and my range is so much better, before I couldn’t guarantee a top C, I can now guarantee a double G. Thanks so much Dr Dave this mouthpiece as changed my life and I never enjoyed playing the trumpet more." 
- Stephen L.

"I am a comeback player. In the last two months I have been playing with Yamaha 16E (lovely tone!), DW3B and tried a few others, but I was having range and endurance issues. I received my wedge mouthpiece on the day I am joining a local brass band. After testing the mouthpiece during the day, I felt very confident that I will be able to last through my first rehearsal after many years, and I did! Now that I have played my wedge mouthpiece for about a mouth, I have no hesitation to recommend it. I experienced the advantages of the wedge mouthpiece that are listed on this website. As Dr Dave said, everyone should give it a try! In fact, I have placed another order to buy one for my daughter who found it to be the best mouthpiece too after trying out all the mouthpieces in my small mouthpiece collection (Wedge 67, Yamaha 16E, DW4, DW3B, JP603 4B, Besson 7)." 
- Ching Y T