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Top Ten Trumpet Mouthpieces

These ten models provide the best choices for most players and playing situations, which is why they account for over 70% of Wedge trumpet mouthpieces sold.

Trumpet mouthpieces with 5 and 10 degree angles are now only available in our new hybrid design. Brass mouthpieces with angled rims can be made as a special order.

Email if you have questions about specific mouthpieces or would like a recommendation.

Chuck Findley 66MV (Medium V)
ID .66 inches, 16.8 mm.

Similar to
Bach 3C
Monette B4 & B4S
Schilke 14B
Warburton 4MD
Yamaha 14B4
Bobby Shew Jazz

The Chuck Findley 66MV plays like a really great 3C, but with a very slightly smaller diameter.

The 66MV is the most popular mouthpiece we sell, simply because it works well for many players in many playing situations. This size is the "multitool" of mouthpieces as it is best suited for playing in concert band, wind ensemble, brass quintet, worship groups, jazz, pit and pops settings, and almost anywhere else.

Although not a typical choice for an orchestral setting or for playing lead, the 66MV can also be made to work for that type of playing. Keep in mind that this particular "C" cup is not quite as deep as the Bach 1-1/2C, 5C, or 7C cup. It is the most shallow of all Bach C cups.

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65MV (Medium V)
ID .65 inches, 16.5 mm

Similar to
Bach 10 -1/2C & 7D
Schilke 12B & 13B
Warb 5MD
Yamaha 11B4 & 13B4

The 65MV is one of our top 10 mouthpieces. It resembles the Bach 10-1/2C and similar mouthpieces, which are underappreciated options for young beginners, and are a much better choice than the much deeper 7C.
This group of mouthpieces has a cup depth similar to a Bach 3C with a smaller diameter better suited for young players.
Being the little brother of the Bach 3C it is a very versatile choice for all round playing. It also works very well for piccolo trumpet.

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65S (Shallow)
ID .65 inches, 16.5 mm.

Similar to
GR 65S, 65.6M*, 65M & 65MS
Schilke 12A4A & 12A4
Warburton 5SV

The 65S is an excellent lead mouthpiece for a player using a medium diameter and shallow cup. It is slightly deeper than the Schilke A cup or GR S cup and has a better low register. The S cup is very close to a GR MS cup.
Most players will find that the upper register is still better than conventional mouthpieces, even thought it has a slightly deeper cup.
The 65S also works well as a piccolo trumpet when players prefer a brighter sound with more projection.

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66MDV (Medium-Deep V)
ID .66 inches, 16.8 mm.

Similar to
Bach 5C & 7C
GR 66L & 66LX
Schilke 14 & 14C2
Warburton 4MD & 4D
Yamaha 14C4

The 66MDV is the Wedge version of the Bach 5C, Schilke 14, and similar mouthpieces. These are a slightly smaller alternative to the typical "orchestral" Bach 1-1/2C, .67 inch ID sizes.
The 66MDV is an excellent choice for an advanced amatuer player or professional who wants the classic "orchestral" sound, but who has challenges with range and endurance.
It's also an excellent choice for advancing students who are not yet ready for the 67MDV. The more efficient .66 inch rim gives most players better endurance than the .67 inch rim, while keeping a similar, dark, if slightly more compact sound.
Note: The Warburton 4MD cup depth is actually between the Wedge MDV and MV.

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665MV (Medium V)
ID .665 inches, 16.9 mm

Similar to
Bach 3C
Monette B3, B4S
Schilke 14B
Yamaha 14B

The 665MV, along with the 66MV, is the Wedge most similar to the Bach 3C. It has a cup depth that is slightly shallower than the Bach 1.5C and Bach 5C, and B7C. It therefore has a slightly brighter sound, and provides more support in the upper register than the 1.5C/5C and Wedge 665MDV.
The 665MV is a great all round mouthpiece for a wide variety of applications. The sound is a bit bright for an orchestral setting, depending on the player's natural sound and sound preferences. It is very well suited to situations where a bit more efficiency and projection is desired, such as concert band, brass quintet, marching, and jazz band.

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Chuck Findley 66S (Shallow)
ID .66 inches, 16.8 mm.

Similar to
Bach 3D
GR 66MS & 66S
Monette B4L
Schilke 14A4A
Warburton 4SV
Yamaha 14A4A

The Wedge 66S is similar to the S14A4A, but with a slightly deeper cup. The 66S will out perform the S14A4A and similar models in both the upper and lower register. Slotting and projection are excellent.
This is a great lead mouthpiece with a medium diameter. It also works well for piccolo trumpet when a bright sound is desired.
This model with a 5 degree angle is Chuck Findley’s preferred mouthpiece for playing lead.

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67MDV (Medium-Deep V)
ID .67 inches, 17 mm

Similar to
Bach 1-1/2C & 1-1/4C
GR 67L & 67LX
Monette B2
Schilke 15, 16, 16C4 & 17
Yamaha 16C4
Warburton 3MD & 3D

The Bach 1-1/2C, Schilke 15-17 series, Yamaha 16C4, and similar mouthpieces, have historically set the standard for orchestral mouthpieces.
The Wedge 67MDV is designed to fill the same need for a dark, orchestral sound, but with all of the advantages of the Wedge design.
Most players will be fine with the usual 27 throat. Strong players with good breath support will often prefer the bigger, broader sound and reduced resistance of the 25 throat.

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65ES (Extra Shallow)
ID .65 inches, 16.5mm.

Similar to
GR 65S
Monette MFII
Schilke 13A4A & 13A4
Yamaha 13A4A
Bobby Shew Lead
Kelly Screamer

The 65ES resembles the Schilke 13A4A, Yamaha 13A4A, Bobby Shew Lead, and Kelly Screamer , all very similar, popular lead mouthpieces. Note that the cup of the Schilke 13A4A is significantly shallower than the 14A4A.
The Wedge ES cup is slighty deeper than the others, so players are less prone to bottoming out in the cup.
This is a very effective lead mouthpiece that will provide a strong upper register combined with a low end that lacks the nasal sound quality often produced by extra shallow cups.

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63ES (Extra Shallow)
ID .63 inches, 16 mm.

Similar to
Monette B9L
Schilke 6A4A
Yamaha 6A4A & 7A4

The 63ES provides excellent brilliance, projection, and slotting in extreme upper register playing. The unique features of the Wedge rim mean that players using this small mouthpiece will not experience the reduced flexibility, nasty sounding low register, and tendency for the mouthpiece to shut off due to lip swelling that are often problems with conventional mouthpieces of this size.
The Schilke 6A4A and similar mouthpieces have a long history as very effective small diameter, extra shallow lead mouthpieces. The proven formula of the .63 inch rim and shallow cup is one of the factors that makes the 63ES one of our top ten selling models.

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665MDV (Medium-Deep V)
ID .665 inches, 16.9 mm

Similar to
Bach 1.5C, 5C & 7C
Monette B3
Schilke 15
Warb 4DM & 4D
Yamaha 16C4

There is a gap in the Bach sizing between the 1.5C and 5C. The Bach 3C has an intermediate rim diameter, but a shallower cup, and the Bach 3B has a more V shaped cup.
The 665MDV is intended to fill that gap with an ID similar to a Bach 3C and a cup depth similar to a Bach 1.5C and 5C.
The 665MDV is a great choice for a player wanting a sound similar to a Bach 1.5C, but with a slightly smaller, more efficient inner diameter.

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