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Tenor Horn Mouthpiece Overview and Fitting Guide

Converting to a Wedge? Here's What You Need To Know

Rim Sizing
  • Rim inner diameter (ID) is measured at .05 inches into the cup
  • Rims are named according to the ID (a 75 rim has an ID of .75 inches)
  • Easily correlated with sizes of Denis Wick tenor horn mouthpieces
Cup Shape and Depth
  • Cup depth and shape varies somewhat depending on rim diameter, similar to Denis Wick mouthpieces.
  • Unique oval cup shape, larger from top to bottom than side to side, extending right down to the throat
  • Oval cup amplifies the effect of the Wedge rim, providing greater responsiveness in all registers and a bigger, fatter sound compared to a conventional round cup of similar depth and volume

How Do I Know Which Wedge is Right For Me?

Looking for a quick way to find a Wedge similar to your current mouthpiece?
If you are happy with your current mouthpiece and just want to know what the Wedge design can do for your playing you can simply select a mouthpiece using one of our Tenor Horn Comparison Table.
Are you thinking that you need a different size?
The best way to get fitted is to complete a fitting survey, or book a phone call or Zoom chat with Dr. Dave by visiting our Contact Us page.

Do you want to do your own research on what size might be better for you?
Then this page is for you. Start by doing two things:
1) First assess your own sound profile.
2) Then ask yourself what you would like to get from a new mouthpiece. The big three seem to be better range, greater endurance, and a different or generally improved sound.

Assessing Your Sound Profile

You will find that we talk a lot about range and endurance in this fitting guide. Why do we focus on them so much? It is because range and endurance are the two things most players say they are looking for in a new mouthpiece. The key is to improve range and endurance along with getting a better sound. Although they can be addressed separately, range and endurance are often linked. Range becomes much bigger issue when we are tired. That, basically, is the definition of endurance.  
You can get good information about possible ways to improve your range and endurance by doing an honest assessment of your sound. That means asking yourself if your sound quality in all registers is ideal or at least acceptable, and if your range is ideal or at least acceptable.

Most players have one of the following three sound profiles, and very few have the "Ideal Sound Profile".

1) Do you have a "Pyramid Sound Profile"?

The most common problem players report to us is a sound that is big and fat in the mid to low register, but small, strained, and limited in the upper register. Their sound is shaped like a pyramid. It has a broad base, but does not extend as high as they would like, as depicted in the "Pyramid Sound Profile" graphic. Compare the breadth of sound between the lower and upper register, and note their range.
You can see that there is an imbalance. The sound is broader than what is expected or required, and their range is not optimal or even acceptable.

2) Do you have an "Ideal Sound Profile"?

A far more desirable sound profile is shown in the "Ideal Sound Profile" graphic. The breadth of sound and range are both in the ideal range.

3) Do you have a "Balanced Sound Profile"?

Unfortunately, there are few things that are ideal when it comes to brass playing, and especially when it comes to mouthpiece selection. Rather than playing the "perfect" mouthpiece we play the best mouthpiece possible based on a series of decisions we make and compromises we accept in the playing characteristics of a mouthpiece. Our goal should be to arrive at the best balance of sound and other playing attributes in a mouthpiece. The result is a sound profile that looks like the "Balanced Sound Profile" graphic.
Players switching to a Wedge mouthpiece will often get a more even response between the registers. In many cases players with a pyramid sound profile can balance their sound even more with a slightly smaller mouthpiece.

I want better range and endurance without changing my sound.
Most players will get better range and endurance with a similar sound when they switch to a Wedge mouthpiece. However, range is usually more of an issue when you are tired compared to when you are fresh. For that reason a good way to get an extra boost in range is to try a mouthpiece with a similar cup depth and slightly smaller diameter.
The smaller diameter will usually increase endurance, and therefore range when tired, without having making the sound significantly brighter. A smaller diameter has more of an effect of reshaping the sound, making it a little less broad at the base and bigger at the top. Imagine changing the shape of your sound from a broad based pyramid to a narrower, but still strong based column that reaches higher.
One other disadvantage of switching to a smaller diameter can be a loss of flexibility. The Wedge rim usually increases flexibility, so a slightly smaller size is usually not a problem.