Is there a honeymoon period?

The 'honeymoon period' refers to a well recognized phenomenon experienced by many players when changing mouthpieces, especially to one that provides an initial improvement in performance. After a number of days - or weeks - the initial benefits diminish and the player returns to his or her original baseline range and endurance.

It has been suggested that this might result from the chops getting accustomed to the 'crutch' provided by the changed characteristic that provided the initial improvement (often a smaller or shallower cup), and becoming weak or 'lazy'.

The Wedge does not seem to have much of a honeymoon period. This is because of the unique way in which the Wedge improves performance. The Wedge works by freeing your chops to respond without being restricted by the unnecessary contact between the mouthpiece and lips at the corners.

This is a fundamental difference between the Wedge and some other range enhancing mouthpieces. Because of this, the improvement seen with the Wedge is sustained and actually increases over a matter of weeks.