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Cornet Mouthpiece Overview and Fitting Guide

Converting to a Wedge? Here's an Overview of our Cornet Mouthpieces

We offer American and British style cornet mouthpieces.
Cornet mouthpieces made by American manufacturers such as Bach and Schilke are typically their trumpet cup on a cornet backbore. They produce a relatively bright, focused sound. They are best suited for Dixieland jazz and concert band settings, and are often uses as piccolo trumpet mouthpieces. Wedge also uses this method, pairing our trumpet tops with regular cornet backbores for American cornet and picc mouthpieces.
British cornet mouthpieces typically have a deeper, more V sped cup, producing a broader, darker, warmer sound. They are popular for British brass band and similar ensembles.

Rim Diameters     
The current Gen 2 Wedge cornet rims are named according to the inner diameter (ID) of the rim measured in the long, vertical axis at a depth of .04 inches into the cup.
For example a 66 series rim measures 0.660 inches at that specific point. Keep in mind that manufacturers measure their rim sizes at different points, so the ID often does not translate between brands.


Looking for a quick way to find a Wedge similar to your current mouthpiece?
Then head directly to our Comparison Tables to select a Wedge mouthpiece size comparable to your current mouthpiece.

Are you thinking that you need a different size?
The best way to get fitted is to complete a fitting survey, or book a phone call or Zoom chat with Dr. Dave by visiting our Contact Us page.

Do you want to do your own research on what size might be better for you?
Then this page is for you. Start by doing two things:
1) First assess your own sound profile.
2) Then ask yourself what you would like to get from a new mouthpiece. The big three seem to be better range, greater endurance, and a different or generally improved sound.

Assessing Your Sound Profile

You will find that we talk a lot about range and endurance in this fitting guide. Why do we focus on them so much? It is because range and endurance are the two things most players say they are looking for in a new mouthpiece. The key is to improve range and endurance along with getting a better sound. Although they can be addressed separately, range and endurance are often linked. Range becomes much bigger issue when we are tired. That, basically, is the definition of endurance.  
You can get good information about possible ways to improve your range and endurance by doing an honest assessment of your sound. That means asking yourself if your sound quality in all registers is ideal or at least acceptable, and if your range is ideal or at least acceptable.

Most players have one of the following three sound profiles, and very few have the "Ideal Sound Profile".

1) Do you have a "Pyramid Sound Profile"?

The most common problem players report to us is a sound that is big and fat in the mid to low register, but small, strained, and limited in the upper register. Their sound is shaped like a pyramid. It has a broad base, but does not extend as high as they would like, as depicted in the "Pyramid Sound Profile" graphic. Compare the breadth of sound between the lower and upper register, and note their range.
You can see that there is an imbalance. The sound is broader than what is expected or required, and their range is not optimal or even acceptable.

2) Do you have an "Ideal Sound Profile"?

A far more desirable sound profile is shown in the "Ideal Sound Profile" graphic. The breadth of sound and range are both in the ideal range.

3) Do you have a "Balaced Sound Profile"?

Unfortunately, there are few things that are ideal when it comes to brass playing, and especially when it comes to mouthpiece selection. Rather than playing the "perfect" mouthpiece we play the best mouthpiece possible based on a series of decisions we make and compromises we accept in the playing characteristics of a mouthpiece. Our goal should be to arrive at the best balance of sound and other playing attributes in a mouthpiece. The result is a sound profile that looks like the "Balanced Sound Profile" graphic.
Players switching to a Wedge mouthpiece will often get a more even response between the registers. In many cases players with a pyramid sound profile can balance their sound even more with a slightly smaller mouthpiece.

Once you have established what you are looking to change, you are ready to select your mouthpiece based on those goals. Below is all the information you should need to make your selection - simply click on your goal to read more.

What mouthpiece should I choose for better range?
Most cornet players would like to have better range, and most players will have better range on a Wedge that is similar to their conventional mouthpiece. Most players find that they gain notes, and some do not add notes by find that the top of their range sounds bigger and better, and is easier to reach.
You might gain more even range by switching to a slightly smaller diameter or shallower cup. A slightly smaller diameter can improve range, especially when you are tired, without having much effect on the sound. An example would be someone using a Wick 3 mouthpiece switching to a Wedge similar to a Wick 4, or someone using a Bach 1-1/2C mouthpiece switching to a Wedge similar to a Bach 5C cornet mouthpiece.
You might also have better range with a shallower cup, but that usually comes with a brighter sound. If you are using a British cornet mouthpiece such as a Wick 4 it might mean switching to something similar to a Wick 4B cup. A player using a Bach, Schilke, or Yamaha American style mouthpiece could choose a slightly shallower model using the Trumpet Mouthpiece Comparison Table for their brand. How much shallower you want to go is therefore a trade off, and depends on the depth of your current mouthpiece and what it is used for.

What mouthpiece should I choose for better endurance?
Most players will have better endurance with a Wedge similar to their current mouthpiece. One way to get an even more endurance is, as in the case of range, to change to a slightly smaller diameter.
This is especially effective if you are currently using a fairly large diameter like a Bach 1- 1/2C or similar, or Wick 3 British cornet size, with a .670 inch (17 mm) rim diameter. Changing to a slightly smaller diameter usually does not have a significant effect on your sound. It will not make the sound significantly brighter, but can make it a bit more compact, or not as big and broad in the middle to low register at maximum volumes. However, as brass players we don't usually have a problem being loud enough. We do sometimes have trouble with endurance, so a slightly more compact sound at maximum volumes can be a good trade off for better endurance. Example of this strategy would be a player using a Wick 3 moving to a Wedge similar to a Wick 4, or a player using a Bach 1-1/2C switching to a Wedge similar to a Bach 5C.
One other disadvantage of switching to a smaller diameter can be a loss of flexibility. The Wedge rim usually increases flexibility, so a slightly smaller size is usually not a problem.
Endurance in the upper register can sometimes be improved with a shallower cup. However, unlike using a smaller diameter, this does make the sound brighter. This may or may not be desirable, depending on the playing situation. As usual, we are dealing with a series of trade-offs or compromises in selecting mouthpiece options. In order to find a mouthpiece with an ID smaller than yours visit our Comparison Tables.

What mouthpiece should I choose for a darker sound?

There are three ways to get a darker sound.

1) Using a deeper cup - Here are a few point to keep in mind

    • Sound is mostly determined by cup depth and shape.
    • Increasing rim diameter without changing cup depth does darken the sound very much.
    • Using a deeper, more V-shaped cup will darken the sound and produce a bigger low register.
    • The disadvantage of a deeper, more V-shaped cup is that it can reduce range and endurance.
    • One way to preserve better range and endurance with a deeper cup is to use a slightly smaller diameter.
    • Using a smaller diameter with the Wedge mouthpiece is especially effective, because it does not have the usual effect of decreasing flexibility, and players still get a bigger sound from the smaller mouthpiece when using the Wedge design.

2) Adding Mass to the Mouthpiece

You can add mass by using a heavy backbore or adding a tone modifier to a regular weight mouthpiece.
The added weight dampens the brighter overtones and makes the sound darker. It also makes slotting more secure. Heavier mouthpieces are slightly less responsive, so articulation is not quite as crisp, especially with multiple tonguing.

3) Using a Plastic Mouthpiece

Plastic mouthpieces sound darker than brass. There are disadvantages of using plastic mouthpieces that you should also consider.
See more details on our info page Should I Choose Plastic or Brass.

About Wedge British Cornet Mouthpieces


  • Similar to Denis Wick, Alliance, and similar mouthpieces
  • Shorter than Wedge Regular cornet mouthpieces
  • Deeper cup options than American style models
  • Larger throat
  • Broader, darker sound
  • Popular for Brass Band

One Piece British Cornet Models


  • One piece models are available in silver plated brass, black Delrin plastic, or in a hybrid format
  • Optional 5 or 10 degree angled rim on two piece models for players with overbite


Two Piece British Cornet Models

  • Two piece models have a top and separate shank
  • Tops are available in silver plated brass, black delrin plastic, clear acryclic plast, or in a hybrid format
  • Tops can be used with specific shank for British cornet, flugelhorn, or trumpet
  • Optional 5 or 10 degree angled rim on two piece models for players with overbite

British Cornet Cup Depths
We offer three cup depths: Shallow (for Soprano cornet), Medium (similar to Wick B cup), and Deep (similar to deep Wick cup).

Wedge Regular (American Style) Cornet Mouthpieces


These are similar to Bach, Schilke, and Yamaha regular cornet mouthpieces

  • Offered only in a two piece design
  • Made by adding a Wedge Trumpet Top to a Wedge Regular Cornet Backbore
  • Throat sizes are #27 (.144 inches, 3.66 mm) or #25 (.1495 inches, 3.80 mm)
  • Threads compatible with Warburton and other similar threads
  • Optional 5 or 10 degree angled models for players with overbite

Regular Cornet Cup Depths
You can make an American style Wedge cornet mouthpiece by combining a regular Wedge cornet backbore with a Wedge trumpet top.

  • Trumpet tops with our MV, MDV, and RT cup are popular for American style cornet mouthpieces.
  • Wedge trumpet tops will produce a shallower cornet option similar mouthpieces from Bach and Schilke.
  • Wedge trumpet tops added to a cornet backbore work well for piccolo trumpet.

Regular Cornet Backbores

  • Sizes include Small, Medium, Medium Large, and Large
  • Available in silver plated brass
  • Small are popular for Dixieland Jazz where a brighter, more focused sound is desired
  • Medium are popular for piccolo trumpet and cornet
  • Large are popular when a broader cornet sound is desired.

Throat Sizes

Regular Cornet Mouthpieces are available with #27 (0.144 inch) and #25 (0.1495 inch) throat sizes.
Which throat size should I choose?
British cornet mouthpieces depend on the cup depth, so there is no choice to be made with these models.
  • Shallow - #19
  • Medium - #18
  • Deep - #15

We offer most of our Regular cornet mouthpieces #27 (.144 inch, 3.66 mm) and #25 (.1495 inch, 3.80 mm) throat sizes.
Effect of Throat Size - Throat size is the major determinant of blow resistance.  
Larger Throats:

  • Feel more open
  • Have wider slots
  • Produce a broader sound
  • Make it easier to bend the note
  • Produce a more resonant low register
  • Cause some players to go sharp in the upper register

Smaller Throats:

  • Feel more restrictive or stuffy.
  • Provide more compression.
  • Produce a more compact, focused sound.
  • Have narrower slots.
  • Produce a less resonant low register.


Which is the best throat size option for a Regular American Style cornet mouthpiece?

The answer to that question depends on the player.

  • Players tend to like a slightly larger throat on the Wedge because the oval rim and cup adds compression
  • If your current mouthpiece feels at all stuffy you will probably prefer a larger throat on your Wedge
  • However, you need to have strong breath support to get the advantages of the larger throat
  • Players who do not generate enough power sometimes find that a larger throat makes the upper register harder
  • Players who have lots of power and good breath support often find that the larger throat makes the notes they already have in the upper register sound bigger, and may actually add a note or two to their range with a larger throat

Angled Rim Options

Do I need an angled or non-angled rim?
The Angled Rim is an option feature added to the basic Wedge rim. It is not an essential element of the Wedge design.
Most players do not need an angled rim. Angled rims are designed for players who have a specific problem related to an overbite (top teeth in front of lower teeth) or an underbite (top teeth behind lower teeth). The angled rim is only necessary to help with specific issues:

  • A very low horn angle that makes it difficult to project your sound
  • Too much pressure on your top or bottom lip
  • Neck discomfort from tilting your head forward or back trying to correct your horn angle
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain from thrusting your jaw forward.
  • Difficulties forming and embouchure because of severe dental malalignment.

Angled rims do the following:

  • Avoid distortion of inside of mouthpiece caused by bending a backbore
  • Correct horn angle up or down depending on orientation
  • Balance pressure between top and bottom lip
  • Reduce strain and discomfort from pushing jaw forward.

Angled Rim Options

  • Angled rims are available as a stock item for trumpet, cornet, and flugelhorn.
  • The angle can be 5° or 10°.
  • The 5° angle is enough for most players.
  • If you are uncertain what angle you need, Dr. Dave can give you personalized advice based off of a photograph of you playing, taken from the side.